
April 16, 2021

MCX Basic 3.1 Update

Version 3.1 of MCX Basic is now available for download.  This update is mainly to fix bugs that have been reported with version 3.0.

Use the link on the right side of the window to download the installer.

Changes in MCX Basic 3.1:

  • Fixed the problem which caused the DIR command to fail with an ?IO ERROR when accessing an Emcee Server.
  • Improved compatibility with programs that change the cursor appearance by poking values to address 17026.
  • Force the standard green text screen to be activated following a Reset.
  • Fixed a problem where using the RUNM command would result in a ?UL ERROR if the machine language program returns to Basic upon exit.
  • Enhanced the RENUM utility to recognize relational operator expressions where the left operand is ERRL and the right operand is a line number ( ERRL <=> lineNum ).
  • Fixed the problem where a PMODE statement would sometimes result in corrupted string variables.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur in PLAY when processing a command string with invalid argument values or syntax.
  • Modified the frequency table used by PLAY for producing notes on Alice 32/90 machines (adjusted for the full 1.0 MHz clock rate on these machines).
  • Adjusted the default TIMER interval on Alice 32/90 machines for a better approximation of 60 Hz.
  • Restored the original size of the console input buffer (127 characters) on Alice 32/90 machines.
  • Fixed the Line Editor on Alice 32/90 machines to recognize [Cntrl-3] as LOAD and [Cntrl-4] as SAVE.