
February 17, 2022

Following the Herd(le)

There is an online word game that's all the rage these days.  I have seen quite a few clones being created for just about every platform imaginable.

I figured this would be a good project to work on for an MCX32-SD equipped MC-10, as the SD card extension would easily accomodate a large dictionary of words.

My version of the game behaves very much like the original. You have six chances to guess a secret word which the computer has chosen at random.

After each guess, letters entered in the correct position are shown with a green background. Letters that are contained in the word but were entered in the wrong position have a yellow background. Letters not contained in the word keep the grid's blue background.

The right side of the display shows the best result acheived thus far for each of the letters in the alphabet.


The game uses a dictionary of almost 13,000 five-letter words to validate input from the player.  Of these, there is a sub-set of 2,048 less-esoteric words that may be chosen by the computer as a secret word.

I wanted to use some clever name for the game that had some combination of MC-10 and Wordle, but was unable to come up with anything decent.  So it's just presented as a Wordle clone for the MC-10.

Program Requirements:

  • TRS-80 MC-10.
  • MCX32-SD expansion unit with MCX Basic 3.1 or later installed.
  • SD Card.