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Changes in MCX Basic 3.1:
- Fixed the problem which caused the DIR command to fail with an ?IO ERROR when accessing an Emcee Server.
- Improved compatibility with programs that change the cursor appearance by poking values to address 17026.
- Force the standard green text screen to be activated following a Reset.
- Fixed a problem where using the RUNM command would result in a ?UL ERROR if the machine language program returns to Basic upon exit.
- Enhanced the RENUM utility to recognize relational operator expressions where the left operand is ERRL and the right operand is a line number ( ERRL <=> lineNum ).
- Fixed the problem where a PMODE statement would sometimes result in corrupted string variables.
- Fixed a crash that would occur in PLAY when processing a command string with invalid argument values or syntax.
- Modified the frequency table used by PLAY for producing notes on Alice 32/90 machines (adjusted for the full 1.0 MHz clock rate on these machines).
- Adjusted the default TIMER interval on Alice 32/90 machines for a better approximation of 60 Hz.
- Restored the original size of the console input buffer (127 characters) on Alice 32/90 machines.
- Fixed the Line Editor on Alice 32/90 machines to recognize [Cntrl-3] as LOAD and [Cntrl-4] as SAVE.